After partnering with project FIO, which aims to increase the interoperability and convenience of the Talken wallet, we have successfully completed an update that supports the FIO address.
Currently, a FIO address can be issued within the Talken NFT wallet. With the issued FIO address, you can send cryptocurrency to a wallet that supports FIO.
To issue the FIO address in the Talken NFT wallet, you must click “+ Get FIO address”, which is in the ETH deposit screen. After clicking, you will be asked to input basic information before being issued the FIO address.
- In the Talken NFT Wallet, you can create an FIO address in the format of username@domain
- The issuance of FIO address is possible after Talken App is downloaded
-Andriod & iOS : version 1.10.01
- The group that supports FIO can be found on the link below
Explore the cryptocurrency user experience within the Talken NFT wallet that supports FIO.
About FIO:
FIO, the Foundation for Interwallet Operability, is a decentralized consortium of blockchain organizations and community members supporting the ongoing development, integration, and promotion of the FIO Protocol. The protocol is an open-source, decentralized usability layer solution that works across all blockchains, and uses human-readable Crypto Handles to replace the complexity, risk, and inconvenience that comes with blockchain-based transactions using public addresses.
About Talken:
Talken is a decentralized multi-chain NFT and cryptocurrency wallet that supports Ethereum, Solana, Klaytn and etc. Talken has an in-app purchase functionable NFT marketplace that has many famous artists and brand collaboration NFTs. Also, there is a Web3 browser so it makes Talken a convenient platform for searching.
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